Ever Frequently Asked Questions: E-FAQs

Benjamin S Bateman
4 min readJan 9, 2022


Welcome to the Everscale rabbit hole, fellow blockchain traveller!

Everyone was new here at some point, so if you can’t find what you seek in our handy-dandy FAQs below, then join us on Discord or Telegram, say hello and feel free to ask away to your heart’s content. We’re EVER happy to help!

  1. What is Everscale?
    Everscale is a next-generation, eco-friendly, proof of stake blockchain which utilizes a unique multi-threaded sharding mechanism to achieve performance unrivalled by other chains.
  2. How many TPS can Everscale handle?
    The number of transactions Everscale can process is limited only by the number of validators present on the network. In recent real-world internet testing, Everscale proved more than capable of handling more than 64k TPS (with only ~400 validators!).
  3. What is a DeBot?
    A DeBot is a simple, and easy to use, system of smart contracts which provides a function or service. Some examples include DeBots for staking, for lotteries, community Tamagotchi games, and much more.
  4. What applications are running on Everscale right now?
    The most actively used DeBots and DAPPS on Everscale can be viewed on https://dappradar.com/rankings/protocol/everscale
  5. What wallets can I use for my EVER?
    A list of all compatible wallets can be found here: https://everscale.network/ecosystem If you need any help deciding which is best for you, don’t hesitate to ask in our community groups!
  6. Where can I buy EVER?
    There are many choices of centralized and decentralized exchanges where you can trade at present, with many more to come in the near future: https://free-ton.medium.com/how-to-buy-everscale-ever-a6da108c203d
  7. How do I stake EVER?
    Staking and earning passive income on your EVER is as easy as it gets thanks to DeBot technology. Simply access the staking DeBot through your preferred wallet and follow the on-screen instructions. For more help, check out these 2 minute walk throughs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6kEwfoo0mr-hwcE8u5_64iBYKXyaJvqa
  8. What is Free TON?
    Free TON is just the former name for Everscale. If you hold TON Crystals on a wallet or exchange, there is no need to do anything. The name will automatically update (if it has not done so already).
  9. Is EVER related to X coin/token?
    Most likely not. Everscale is a stand alone layer 1 blockchain platform. While there are bridges between Everscale and other chains, we advise extreme caution when using wrapped tokens in this way as the risks involved are increased.
  10. Is there an Everscale management team?
    Simply put, no. Everscale is a community driven project which is controlled and operated by a number of development teams, enterprises, and individuals. Nearly all decisions are taken via systems of Soft-Majority voting. Learn more about SME: https://freeton.house/en/soft-majority-voiting/
  11. I have a marketing/awareness/AMA proposal. Who do I contact?
    You’re welcome to present your proposal to the community through one of the appropriate channels, however there is no one decision maker or person you may speak to.
  12. Was there a presale/ICO/IDO/IEO/TGE/ICP for EVER?
    Again, no. Every EVER in circulation was either earned through contest participation, or obtained through trading on the secondary markets.
  13. Why does the price of EVER seem less volatile than other coins/tokens? Is it a stable coin?
    EVER is not a stable coin, however, some speculate that the relative low volatility could be a result of the meritocratic based token distribution model.
  14. Are there any DeFi platforms on Everscale?
    Sure thing! You can get involved with farming, staking, and even create your own tokens on EVER on tonswap.io
  15. Are there any NFT platforms on Everscale?
    Indeed there are, good sir! From FIDE to fractionalised fine art and real-world rare items, Everscale is the home of True NFT technology. Check out the NFT subgovernance chats on Discord or Telegram to hear all about the latest platforms and news!
  16. Can I earn EVER or get an airdrop etc?
    At this point there are no plans to hold any airdrops, but there are usually always contests ongoing which give you the chance to win EVER by proving your skills.
  17. What are Subgovernances?
    Subgovs are thinktank style groups dedicated to progressing areas of interest to the Everscale community. If you have an interest or SME in a certain area of blockchain technology, get involved.
  18. Where can I learn more about Everscale?
    Well, now you know the basics, joining our community channels (links in the intro or on everscale.network is a great way to get involved and find out the latest happenings, news and gossip!



Benjamin S Bateman

Over-opinionated hyphen-abuser, lover of words, and magical internet money community management extraordinaire.